10 Effective Strategies to Grow a Fanbase for Your Music on Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for musicians looking to grow their fanbase and expand their reach. With millions of users actively engaging on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, the potential to connect with fans and build a dedicated following has never been greater. However, navigating the ever-evolving […]

Let’s Write a Captivating Artist Bio Together- Workshop and Demonstration

We just wrapped up a very enlightening workshop about writing an artist bio that promotes intrigue and allure. In 2023, it’s not enough to write out your accolades and accomplishments, where you’re from, and what genres you perform and try to call that a bio. People are looking for something new and interesting that they […]

Here’s How to Promote Your Music Online Effectively

Developing a strategy to promote your music online effectively might look different from one musician to the next. There are many different ways to promote music online. There are paid options, free options, and some in between. Choosing the right mix for you all depends on your brand and your business goals. Before starting any […]

3 Proven Ways to Collect Email Addresses At Live Music Shows

Live performances present one of the easiest ways to add supporters to your mailing list. The people listening and watching your show are seeing you in action. They will be most likely to support you long-term because there is nothing like an experience. The sights, the smell, the tastes, the feeling, and the sounds all […]

10 Radio Stations That Accept Rap and Hip-Hop Music Submissions

Below we’ve included information for 10 radio stations that are currently accepting music submissions from rap and hip-hop artists. If you are making rap or hip-hop music and would like to submit your music for radio airplay, these stations are a great start! Related: Internet radio offers a bright world of opportunity for independent artists. […]

How to Start a Music Career With No Money

Starting a career in music can be a very daunting experience. Unless you’ve shadowed musicians or gone to school for music/business, you really have no tools at your disposal to launch a successful career. You’re just starting from scratch and winging it. The cool thing is…there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. I started from scratch. […]

15 Practical Ways to Promote Your Music Online for Free

Promoting your music can be very stressful! There are so many things you can do to get exposure and generate a buzz for your music that it gets overwhelming. It’s an age-old problem. There are so many options that you’re somewhat paralyzed from making an actual decision. If you are stuck in this rut, here’s […]

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