For an artist, it can be hard to keep up with a blog hosted on your own website. There are many other things you can do that would seem more productive than writing a blog post. Additionally, sometimes you just don’t have anything to say. However, maintaining an active blog gives you an opportunity to add another layer of complexity to your brand. It gives your fans more content to consume and you can use your blog to unload all of your thoughts and ideas that may not fit on other platforms. Another good reason musicians should maintain a consistent blog is for the SEO benefits! Since search engines reward websites that are updated consistently, posting to your blog on a consistent basis will give you good search engine optimization. If you’re looking for something to say on your musician or artist blog, look no further. In this post, we’ll outline 50 blog post ideas musicians can use to provide fresh and entertaining content for their tribe. 

  1. Preview an upcoming show
  2. Review a recent show
  3. Stories from the road
  4. Behind the scenes at rehearsals
  5. Songwriting process
  6. Preview a new album or single
  7. Making of your album
  8. Crowdfunding campaign
  9. Talk about your newest gear purchase. Why did you get it? Where will you use it? 
  10. Unveil new merchandise or highlight an existing merch item. Check out our article about selling a boatload of merchandise without any inventory here.
  11. Other great bands/musicians in your local scene/genre
  12. Music that’s inspiring you at the moment
  13. Describe your creative process
  14. Hobbies outside of music (maybe you’re a big sci-fi geek, or have a favorite sports team)
  15. An issue you care deeply about outside of music (the environment, human rights, etc.)
  16. Talk about your gear or your favorite instrument.
  17. Answer Popular FAQs
  18. Discuss your thoughts on industry hot topics and news
  19. Song Lyrics, Meanings behind songs
  20. Talk about your fave National Observance Days and what you’re doing to celebrate them
  21. List music venues in your local area (good for SEO)
  22. Recent awards, interviews, press, achievements
  23. Talk about some of your favorite reviews. This can be from venues or listeners.
  24. Interesting/meaningful/inspirational comments from social media followers. Did any of your followers recently post something interesting or meaningful? Maybe you can post a response to it or expound on that with your own thoughts or a personal story that relates. It doesn’t have to be from one of your followers. It can also be from someone you’re following!
  25. Rant about issues or challenges you face in the music industry. There are plenty of those!
  26. What’s your mission statement?
  27. What’s your purpose as a musician? Your followers want to know these things.
  28. Your ultimate music goals. Where do you want to be in 10 years? How can your fans help you with that?
  29. Highlight a venue you regularly perform at.
  30. Share a personal story from childhood that sparked your interest in music.
  31. Talk about your favorite musicians from history.
  32. Share which current artists inspire you the most. Or, share which you despise and why.
  33. What are your favorite music documentaries and why?
  34. What charities or causes are you giving to and why? Try to tie this in with the overall mission and purpose of your music.
  35. How do you get unblocked as a creative?
  36. What have you learned while being a musician?
  37. Interesting or frustrating questions or comments you receive while being a musician.
  38. Tell your story: when did you first discover music? When did you first know you were an artist? Did you take lessons? Or are you self-taught?
  39. What is it really like to be a musician?
  40. Share how people can support you as a musician.
  41. What specific shows do you like to do most and why?
  42. Worst show experiences. Or, share the worst gig you ever had to do.
  43. All-time favorite show you’ve done thus far.
  44. Why and how people should book you for a house concert/wedding show/ or whatever you’re in to.
  45. Who would play you in a movie and why? What would the movie be about?
  46. Give advice about how to become a professional musician.
  47. Share some recent projects you’ve participated in other than music. Sewing or craft project, marathon, volunteering, your garden, taught your kid swimming lessons, etc.
  48. Your Favorite Songs from Billboard Top 10.
  49. Recent new cover songs, or style you’re learning. Share examples or snippets.
  50. Favorite music scores from last year’s movies.

There are so many things you can talk about. As a creative, your thoughts and feelings are very much a part of your branding. So don’t be afraid to share that! Do you have any ideas we should add to this list. Share some of yours in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

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